Kelly and I were living in Birmingham, AL when we met. I had just started my nursing career and was working in the ICU. Kelly was in the beginning of his residency doing a month long rotation in the ICU where I worked. We had multiple “interesting” interactions and I ultimately could not resist his charm.
We decided Christmas would be the perfect time to reveal we were expecting our baby boy. We gave both sets of parents a gift that contained a onesie and a picture of his latest ultrasound. I had a feeling my parents might be suspicious because we went to dinner the night they arrived in town and everyone had a drink but me! My mom told me later she was hoping I would tell them I was pregnant.
Kelly and I decided to find out the gender of our sweet baby. We knew we wanted to do it together in a quiet, special way. We took an envelope containing the sex to our favorite cupcake place in Nashville and had them make us each a cupcake with “the color” inside. We were both ecstatic to find out we were having a boy.
I will admit – I was terrified about the exit strategy. My sister had a really hard delivery and I expected the same. To my surprise, everything went very smoothly. It was basically painless (thank you, Paul, the epidural worked wonders). Once we arrived at the hospital, baby kelly arrived in no time.
Baby Kelly is a spitting image of his father. We thought the baby would look like his dad based off his ultrasound images compared to big Kelly’s baby pictures.
The first few weeks were not easy. We moved to Jackson from Nashville exactly a week after baby boy was born. It was so incredibly stressful, but once we got settled into our new place things became much easier and we really got to enjoy our new normal.
I was a little worried about our newborn session since our little one was almost seven weeks old. I thought he would cry the entire time and wouldn’t tolerate the adorable newborn poses. I was so wrong, Destiny made him so comfy and secure. She was able to get every shot she wanted with ease and no crying!