Meet baby, Eleanor! She is the second precious daughter to be welcomed into this family within two years and I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to watch their family grow! Enjoy these photos as you scroll and read her newborn story as told by her momma!
Parents: Larry & Shajauna Vaughn
Baby’s Name: Eleanor Mae
How did you tell family and friends you were expecting?
It was just before Halloween when we announced so we decided to create a family of pumpkins on my front porch to do double duty as decor and our announcement. It included 3 small pumpkins for our older three kids, a big daddy pumpkin, and a pregnant mommy with and tiny baby pumpkin inside it. It was the cutest thing! We shared the photo on Facebook to announce and everyone loved it.
What was the best, most surprising or most difficult thing being pregnant?
Well Ellie wasn’t quite planned, so the pregnancy itself was a surprise! Our older daughter, Izzy, wasn’t even 1 when we found out we were expecting. Not only that, we were a week away from closing on a 3 bedroom home! We were growing out of it before we even got the keys!
Did you find out the gender beforehand? What were both Mom and Dad’s reactions.
We had a gender reveal party to find out. Daddy was convinced it was a boy so he was pretty bummed, but Mommy knew it was another girl all along.
List the possible baby names, and how you narrowed it down?
We already knew her first name would be Eleanor, but the middle name was up in the air. We went with Eleanor Mae after her great grandmother, Willie Mae, and her great great aunt, Eula Mae. Two pretty amazing women to be named after.
How did baby prep go?
Ha! We had last baby syndrome. Is that a thing? We literally started to set up the nursery in month nine. I actually decorated half the nursery in labor! The car seat didn’t get installed until the day were discharged from the hospital.
Was labor and delivery what you expected? If not, tell us how things were surprising or not what you expected.
Nope! I expected to be induced as usual. We had the date scheduled, and we were a week away. I had a whole list of things to finish before induction day. I’d even made a to-do list for each day up until delivery. Things like…install the car seat, pack the kids overnight bags, cook freezer meals, clean up. How cute. Needless to say, none of that happened. I spent the whole day in labor denying that I was in labor. My husband was in Dallas, TX so there was no way I was in labor. You can’t go in labor when your husband is in Dallas, Texas! Even when I decided to go to the hospital, it was only because I wanted them to tell me that I was NOT in labor. I was in labor. As a matter of fact, Ellie came about 2 hours after I got to the hospital. My poor husband met her when she was about 6 hours old.
Did baby look a lot like Mom, Dad or other siblings? Did you have fun with comparing baby photos?
She looks just like her big sister, Izzy. I love finding old pictures of them Izzy and comparing them.
What were Mom’s first thoughts when she saw her baby? And Dad?
My first thoughts were “Thank you, Jesus that’s over!” Then “gosh you’re big!”.
What have the first few weeks at home with baby been like?
These first few weeks have been interesting. The biggest challenge is helping Izzy get used to being a big sister. Ellie is your typical newborn. Eats, sleeps, poops. Nights are not horrible, but they’re not great either.
You can even write a little bit about your baby’s newborn session if you’d like.
Our newborn session was amazing. This is our second time around. This time in the studio, the first time was at Destiny’s home. Each time was stress free and even relaxing! Destiny does everything. All we had to bring was the baby. She changed her, calmed her, dressed her, and of course took her pictures while I looked on and my husband watched Netflix. He was so comfortable. We were there over two hours and he never once looked like he was ready to go. I think I heard him snoring once or twice!